

Jews protect Moses’s fire and the Ten Commandments and god the father. Circles will offer you sanctuary from the mental health services death camps and keep you secret. Keep your faith. It’s just a joke death by cigars. You’re free...

Don’t listen to the antichrist he will betray me and kill Christain’s in mental hospitals with clozapine and turn them into death camps not sanctuaries. Where angel Gabriel shows Christian and Jews love. The antichrist will betray them. I will...

I am loosing faith in the gods regarding Elle from escort centre they appear to be liars. Even thought I know they are not just voices as I have seen many crazy thing such as people teleporting. The gods have...

Have children with love and lee Feed them with Buddha and air Poo on the toilet for soil as me Muhammad Flush it away with jesus Make fire from gas from a biodigester for moses  ...