

Buddhists use your sniper weapon of buying from Muslim companies by clicking on their AdWords adverts. Plant rhubarb while in Allah’s front garden to sniper Muslims with AdWords and rob the caravan. Let circles marry Muslim women or you face...

I choose white women with blonde hair and blue or green eyes to have children with. My choices have been. Bonnie Laurie woodruff Elle Islam protect these peaceful pandas. Move Charlotte menon and hulk children back to France. I’m not racist...

The prophets always lead with one leading into the next and with the other elemental prophets behind. Like birds flying and they follow the leader to be streamline. Take four elemental wives.  ...

I am in a cease fire with Muslims and will buy Allah’s halal chicken to secure my house and soil rather than capture servants with Baals cheaper supreme chicken. I want Muslims to recognise Buddha as one of our prophets...

Sacrifice supreme chickens to Baal make sure they are raised on locally grown food to save on transportation miles. Cover In Allahs chilli sauce. This chicken should be cheaper than halal chicken because of how it is raised. ...