

Strippers put ethanol gasoline in your car or motorbike. Go boom gasoline. Catch fire by stripping. Jehovah says who’s got the power. But if you try and be an independent escort without an male agency owner you will end up...

Circles women be radicalised and take a second evening job as an escort and if you want to be a radicalised strip for clients so the client comes back again and again. Women I shouldn’t ask you to do anything... France you have our air support with operation hot sauce. French Muslims take five girlfriends (four wives and one servant) build them one house each and a caravan for your servant. Stop the boats let them live in your caravans....

France build servant houses for employees and let them follow the religion and keep backyard halal chickens. Climb the mountain Muhammed. Hold the soil with servant houses (chicken sheds). ...

Dear American president Let the UK be your sword but walk with Christian’s and fishing not Muhammad and hunting. Put slight tariffs on us. Like I say not too painful and we will sell you fish. Americans don’t have the time...