

Escorts will become rarer as society moves more towards stable marriage or servant girlfriends of the right hand possesses. Baal brings in escorts as the next level of relationship to have children as concubine to have berry babies with. You...

The prophets bring milestones to evolution to a peaceful society. Like how prophet Muhammed was outnumbered in battle and still won. God helps believers and those that evolve. We now need the previous prophets to pass on the batton to...

Do the first kill with a cigarette and really negotiate with Allah and force an orgasm to negotiate a baby. If they betray you as a servant girlfriend of the right hand possesses and go off and run away to...

Mum can’t wee. It makes me think it’s because all the girls like Laurie Jade woodruff, Pearl hendrixson and sycah Gormley took the piss. So there is no piss left to wee with. So there is no Jesus’s forgiveness because...

SURAH BAQARAH AYAT 97 “Say: Whoever is an enemy to Gabriel-for he brings down the (revelation) to thy heart by Allah’s will, a confirmation of what went before, and guidance and glad tidings for those who believe.   Allah is going to war Due...