

Gods shield is a potato with father and gods sword is a halal chicken. Keep chickens in your servants home to attack. Make sure that your servants pets only allowed are chickens to help pay for rent. You may have sex...

Children born in war are Allah’s babies. Allah is at war with cigarettes so keep forcing cigarette babies by forcing the argument of an orgasm. Once the enemy has submitted to you of the right hand possesses and had your children...

Father (shield) is the god of civilisation while Allah (sword) is the god of war. Fathers water is still (free) while Allah’s water is gassy (paid). I was at war with Allah and try to have a cigarette baby by the sword...

I now take things to the back garden with operation mint sauce. I change from Allah and gassy water and a water bill to fathers still rain water who asks for little in return just a prayer. I now go...

As god made me 1/2 Muslim 1/2 Christian with Allahs sword of the Quran and Christian shield of the bible. I have decided to follow the covenant of mint and father and defend with water and still rain water. Not...

This is my countries soil to cure the cancer of the uk. New Great Britain built on the top of the uk. The soil has been purchased from selling plant starts to Uk citizens. There was a little war with...