

The new species of angels has emerged they eat humans brains (ideas not actual brains) and feed off their money through escorting. They don’t interbreed with humans but keep their dna separate. ...

I am following Allah, Muhammed and will hunt. I will short the sholva with technology. No longer will I be the hunted I will become the hunter. I will use a e-commerce shop to hunt. I will “short” the sholva. ...

Win Muhammed’s Earth by building earthships (houses with conservatories) grow Allah’s chillis and fathers tomatoes inside to make baals hot sauce. Use this on your food and negotiate an orgasm with those that vape e-cigarettes to be servant girlfriends of...

Children shouldn’t be made to do labour. Wait until they turn 13 and are a teenager before giving them a job. Take the teenagers to business meetings and work to learn about the business....

The spirit of Muhammed goes back because I never managed to see Elle again from escort centre and in the time wars says he is the last prophet and with the sword goes off to conquer more Islamic soil. This...