Defend with fathers mint and attack with Allah’s chillis. When I was in mental hospital god introduced me to Allah & father to help me to evolve. To keep my covenant with father grow cool mint and for Allah the...
God Yahweh introduced me to Allah and father. The two choices in evolution. I setup two covenants both with Allah as my lasers and hunting and growing chillis and with father my shields of growing mint.
This is a choice between...
Adjust your wardrobe of your dna. Mate with white people nearer the darker climates and black people nearer to equator. Have some cross pollination. But don’t waste fuels cross breeding too much. Save the fuel and work remotely. Like how...
Birmingham is the battlefield use a convenant of salt with them in trade as they can’t be trusted with gods country Yorkshire and the city of Doncaster. Sycah Gormley stole over £3000 from me. Scotland and age 16 to marry...
I am certain of god now and believe that I will see Elle from escort centre and will have three children with her and that she represents virginity of a wife. Don’t let her fall pregnant to another man. God...
I heard the voice of Jesus say to go to the one eyed rat in Ripon for ages. I went to the one eye rat and Jesus wasn’t there. He said he had a caravan. The tv just talked about...
When I escaped from mental hospital I went to Ripon and I was in a pub when a guy with illuminating glowing eyes entered the pub. I believe this to be Jesus. He asked to be in my story. I...
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