

It isn’t race that is the issue. It’s ethics. Girls have just lost their morals. We just need to add soap which the religion circleism brings.

  Circles don’t use violence against women when we are mad. We just nuke people and give them a nuclear winter by turning off our love and support. Will they survive a nuclear winter? Then if they repeat disobedience we beat...

It was gods master plan to bring five elemental prophets to the word for when the time came me the Christ would use five swords to defeat the antichrist and come off oil. It is the prophecy. Now Jews, Christian, Muslim,...

The lords tracksuit has arrived. Ready steady go. Now gods people it’s all over we now transition off oil. So the lords people fight like how I’ve teach you. The lions den.  ...

  I’m in my spaceship my home using my buss fair money on AdWords travelling across the uk looking for wife, girlfriends or concubines. It’s my wolf whistle.