Allah explains that when the enemy attacks. If you can’t capture them you should kill them.
Now I lost my soil so I have to grow and eat Allahs hottest chillis as his sword until I have won back my soil.
Even though we all try to stay efficient by not drinking alcahol if it stops you making bigger mistakes then it’s ok.
Allah told me to stick to finial discipline and not date external escorts. So I bought a bottle of...
When the daffodil come out fathers butterflies are desperate for a wee and Jesus water and can be invited to date and have children to circles and ready for Easter.
when the strawberries fruit circles are desperate to marry and receive...
When fathers Daffodils are out in the garden then it’s time for you to invite Christain butterflies to your house and date you. As Laurie said she likes it cold and I saw a butterfly in church in February as...
So circles reproduce in three ways.
Circle women carry strawberry seed in their womb when they receive a strawberry dowry on their wedding night and try for a baby.
But circles may also let fathers Christian fathers butterflies carry pollen away when...
The girls I date cry because I won’t rape them. They go I wish he wasn’t soft and would rape me like a man. But I am like no women you must evolve to be like a pollinator butterfly or...
Women should be in service of men. They shouldn’t hold high ranking positions. If a woman tries to compete with a male ran business always pick the male ran business over the woman’s ran business....
Baal the evolved Allah is the reigning god in heaven with Jehovah the god of love to follow when I ascend into heaven.
Baal says used stealthy attack mode and dice the enemy. Use the weapon of a casino to win...
You have seen the wrath of the other four gods with fire, floods, earthquakes and winds now you will see the wrath of Jehovah with people finding out that they have hiv for fighting Jehovah and not letting me have...
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