It’s captain Lee sir – new coordinates plotted
Allah new coordinates calculated I need to move the orbit around the sun a bit so there will be a few controlled nuclear explosions. Don’t worry all humans and pets will be removed from areas until the explosions are complete.
This is for Lee the bee (Jehovah) to be the last and first Muslim that wins soil.
Muhammed and Jesus the race is on your new challenge is to use Allah’s sword of Steve lions escorts to have 3000 concubines, five servants and one wife. This is twice the halal cut of any normal sword. The first one to buy it off me for £40000 so I can go back in time to see fuck Texas again in the shower and fuck her good and proper. Muslims your new job is to bust up as many cars as possible with rhinos and use the metal to give to Buddha’s for his push bicycle project. We need as much Muslim metal to make a new sword of an efficient bike so that I can do bike mileage to Laurie’s for our spaceship meetings in saint Catherine’s mental hospital. Watch us move the spaceship on tv Laurie. You’ll be impressed with the size of my brain.
This will be prophet Muhammed’s fifth time boxing challenge the greatest prophet ever and last. As this is where the Christ is happy with the most girlfriends. Muhammed fought Matthew pike to make Earth. Matthew pike just did a few puffs of smoke of cigarette ash to make soil but we filled a complete skip and made more soil than him.
Enjoy making poo babies love Jehovah your friend who likes life forms even children. So have the little shits. I’ll make more paper photocopies of crap to put in the bin to beat the competition.
Jesus wake Mohammed up from boxing by throwing some water over his head with Gabriel’s magic poo poo . Laurie I hope you have lots of matches to burn all this cash we are bringing you on bikes to stay warm by Moses’s fireplace.
To sum up the psychology I want the nhs to start cycling to meetings with me and not use a car.
Love Lee
Love Jesus
Love Buddha
Moses says (I’ll be broke keeping Laurie warm)