
Jesus and Buddha ride again (Baal)

Jesus and Buddha ride again (Baal)

Buddha I got your Moses’s co2 and I’m making Jesus  h20 again. Chain smokers please help me by burning paper with cigarettes. Baal – I’ll give you cigarettes for an orgasm. It’s Lee we just meet in the middle with an e-cigarette girls keep vaping for orgasms it’s cool. I’ll help 5 girlfriends with

This time the religion teaches condoms are not allowed with circles for orgasms.

This is where I double up pearl hendrixson karma babies and give her a job as the right hand possesses if she turns to e-cigarettes and lets me give her orgasms.

Pearl your pussy is made for planting trees to make a wooden spoon. Baal is back baby.

Girls it’s Lee of course I won’t let you down I have Allah’s chillis and fathers tomatoes in my spaceship. All we need is a wooden spoon.
