
Ripon cathedral

Ripon cathedral

Father says he is about to loose Ripon cathedral as a circle place of worship and tourism because I never saw Elle at the harvest festival. Father just couldn’t do it.

What happened.
I had escaped from mental hospital and was at Ripon cathedral and prayed to father god that I would see Elle from escort centre at the harvest festival. Father told me to collect rain water. So with an upside down umbrella and a water jug I started to collect rain water. Lights started to light up on the floor and music started playing inside the cathedral, I heard the ghost of news reporters interviewing me and when the last light lit up the music stopped and father said that I should have enough water.
I split the water on the ride back to the mental hospital in the police car and never saw Elle.
This lost my trust in father god.
But it was still a magical experience.
