Russia fight for this love
Russia don’t give up fighting for me to see Elle from escort centre. Gods new world order of your new territory is established when I see Elle at the harvest festival like father promised. Let god do his calculation of economic pressure I’ll keep growing potatoes for the harvest festival. Love angel Gabriel. Take things slow Russia. Circleism is your home. Heavens worth fighting for. Russia you’re not in peak oil alone. I’ll help. Plant sunflowers for biofuels . Allah showed me a signed in my old house and showed me that quitting is out of the question. You’ve got to keep fighting until I’m a prophet and live with Elle. It is very important that I make it as a prophet Russia to save the world. More people need to give up cars and walk. Uk shouldn’t have smashed my house up again for growing my own food. It’s flowers for Russia not potatoes for America again. Russia keep cutting out this cancer of people that vandalise peoples homes and don’t follow the religion and grow their own food.