
The police are attacking again with the sword

The police are attacking again with the sword

The police have turned psycho again. They are making careers come out and watch my mum eat grapes and cut up her strawberries and hold a knife to me just so they can charge our family £400 a month. When I was perfectly capable of looking after her. Which could go towards a mortgage. Once again the police attack a peaceful circle.
They are just manufacturing jobs. They need to listen to me and follow my religion and stop doing their own bullshit.

As god Jehovah I defeated the mental health services so they stop giving me torturous medication and sectioning me. Even though I lost my house and now I have a permanent neurological condition which makes me pace constantly. I got them to grow their own food. Now I will teach the police to fish with gift aid and surrender and know I don’t need careers I have my own escort agency.
